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If you’re unclear on how to find inspiration and meaning turn to service. In my experience, you can find purpose, meaning, and fulfillment by serving something greater than yourself.

I recently gave a TEDx talk where I spoke about a time that my father unwittingly gave me some of the best advice I’ve ever received at one of the lowest points of my life. He said, “Son, I can’t understand everything you’ve been through and I know you’re hurting, but if you could find a way to make your new mission about helping someone else, to attempt to put value in someone else, then I think you’ll find that will help you.”

I’ve found that the reason for living is giving. It’s really that simple. If you’re hurting and not sure what to do or where to turn, start thinking about what you can do for somebody else. From there a life filled with purpose and fulfillment is yours for the making.

More details appear in TALES FROM THE BLAST FACTORY: A Brain Injured Special Forces Green Beret’s Journey Back From The Brink. These lessons we’re paid for in blood, it is my honor to give them to you. What I once thought was the worst thing in my life is now the best thing in my life, it can be the same for you.

De Oppresso Liber,
Andrew Marr, MBA
Chairman & Co-Founder | Warrior Angels Foundation
Author | Tales From the Blast Factory
TEDx Speaker | Defined by Action
Film  | Quiet Explosions: Healing the Brain

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